This Is Why Ostrich Eats Pebbles You Will Be Surprised To Know The Reason

This Is Why Ostrich Eats Pebbles You Will Be Surprised To Know The Reason

Ostrich is such a tall bird that cannot fly. However, it runs at such a high speed that even big racers can leave behind. Many things are said about this bird. But the most interesting thing that has come out about it is that this bird eats stones and pebbles apart from insects, moths, grass and straw. Now the question arises that why does the ostrich do this. Today we will know the reason behind this.

Why eats pebble stone

Ostriches usually eat small plants, tree roots, leaves, seeds, small insects and meat of small animals. This bird is omnivorous, so it can eat both things. However, in spite of this, it is said about this bird that it also eats pebble stones. Actually, the ostrich does this so that it can digest the food inside its stomach. Ostrich does not have teeth in its mouth, which means it swallows its entire food directly. That’s why he is not able to chew the food, now in such a situation, he swallows some small pebble stones to grind the food into small pieces and then with the help of these, he tries to digest the swallowed food inside the stomach. does.

Ostriches can survive without food for a few days

It is said about the ostrich that it can live for many days without drinking water and without eating anything. Along with this, these birds live for a long time. An ostrich lives for about 40 to 45 years. However, if it has been reared in a zoo and is getting good food daily, then this ostrich can live for 70 to 75 years.

Today the world is saving this bird

There was a time when this bird was hunted a lot all over the world. These birds could not fly and a lot of meat was present in their body. That’s why hunters used to hunt them in abundance considering them as easy prey. However, despite this, these birds are still alive today and now the emphasis is on saving them all over the world. You will be surprised to know that ostriches attain their full length only within 6 months of their birth and their body gets fully developed at the age of 3 to 4 years.

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